Our Vision

CHIC uplifts the potential of our communities through our core values of compassion, harmony, imagination, and celebration.

We are advancing this vision through our work in partnership with organizations, agencies, leaders, and residents in the communities we aim to serve.

Our Commitment to Equity

Equity involves helping everyone to reach their highest potential.  Our work values lived and learned experience, embraces the multiple identities we all have, and believes that organizations, institutions, and systems can be caring, just, and human-centered. 

How we work

We practice deep listening, cultural humility, honest communication and transparency, empathy, and action.  We build trusting relationships with our clients.  We honor the lived experience of communities and recognize the multiplicity and diversity of expertise. We work in deep and individualized ways with our clients.  And we design services to best meet your needs so that you, your colleagues, and your constituents can thrive and flourish. 

The many tools and best practices that we use to develop our responsive, customized services embrace and welcome the complexity of the human experience, organizations, and institutions.  

Mel Taing for CHIC Community Engagement Consulting LLC

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